Well hello world. Nice to meet ya. Going back to bed now.
Toodles. Haha I wish... I'll sleep as soon as I finish this I think. We spent today
in Moab, went to Arches, had some adventures, you know the bid. I love it here. I know I've said it before but it's so very true. Although every
time I go on an adventure, it's kind of like torture. It's wonderful... but at
the same time, there is so much temptation. I want so badly to climb the rocks,
to climb the cliffs, to go running and leave all the people behind... none of
which are options... oh it hurts. But still totally worth it of course. I don't
get nearly enough exercise as it is, and my calves and shins are whiter than
they've been since I was just a little child. It's depressing. So I take the torture in order to crush the depression of whiteness ;P anywho... let the week
So obviously last week was Mother's Day, I guess... oh poo. I need to catch up from the week before huh? Ok... well I'm not gonna go into too much detail then... that's way too much work, serves me right for skipping last week to frisbee but once again... totally worth it ;P
Ok so the Monday before last we went down to Emery to move someone and go to a funeral. Yeah that was fun. Kind of cool too, the move was for a super active mom of a less active and his nonmember wife who then committed to come to church so that was exciting. I might've mentioned some of this a couple weeks ago, it seems really familiar. Anyway we headed to a funeral after that... and sat in the nursery room at the church in the comfy chairs until it was over and time for the luncheon. We helped serve and then cleaned up after, and of course got wonderful food in the process :P it was a good deal. After that we demasticated some bulls, performed brain surgery, changed their minds from "ass to grass", and turned them into steers. We got four huge oysters out of it, it was perfect. We preserved them in salt water and stuck them in the freezer with our other two smaller ones. So that was wonderful... and those were the only really important parts, later who knows what we did. Whatevs.
We spent most of the next day making passes by a couple homes hoping to drop in on another move, a less active part member family was supposed to be moving from one part of Ferron to another and we were hoping to try to catch them. No luck to date, they actually still haven't moved in, just out of their old house where they were renting. We also finally caught that girl that we'd been trying to find for weeks... sort of. We knocked and we could hear he radio blaring so we hoped they were home... and when we knocked it went quiet and footsteps came to the door but it didn't open. Not sure how she could tell who it was... but the footsteps went away again and the radio turned back on, we knocked more and couldn't get any more response at all. So that seemed like a pretty solid no. Although we'll probably try again anyway at some point.
Oh geez... going back this far feels like for ever... I might've mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was asked to do another Mother's Day performance Sunday, for the next Thursday. That brought my total
performances to 5 I think, Mother's Day dinner in MILLSITE Ward, performance at the nursing home, Ferron Creek Ward, and Emery Ward. And something else I don't remember. But anyway we had our one practice for that MILLSITE program. It went well, gonna be interesting. Then we had dinner at one of our ward mission leaders homes... then I hooked his sons on clear Americans, went to a super good lesson with S. and J., came back and played pool while we waited for my laundry to finish (that WML does appliance installation and hooked us up for laundry cuz we didn't get it down last week) and lost track of time and left way late... but still had time to have another great lesson with J. and I. So all in all a good day. Ibdefinitely don't remember being that bad at pool though.
Then we had Zone Conference! Yay... haha really though, it was good,bPresident and Sister Hodgman have decided the mission needs more music so we sang an SATB choir arrangement right then and there. So that was fun. Then we did a lot of training and talking as usual. So that was all good. Then we had President interviews which is always a blast. We talked about W, he's now gonna be a convert, he was baptized but there was never any record of it and nobody has any proof or anything. So yeah... he's the sort of step dad of J who got baptized a couple months ago. We also may be able to go to the Manti pageant next transfer, we're gonna talk about it again after transfers so we know who will be here but my hopes are high. We also finally got our new car. We had had the Malibu for quite some time, it was only supposed to be a temporary replacement and while it was nice, it wasn't really ideal for a mountain rural area like ours. So instead we just got a brand new 2017 Toyota Rav 4 which is super nice as well, even if it doesn't have all the goodies the Malibu had. We're also the first ones to drive it, and the first ones to get the new Rav 4s... they aren't supposed to come out until next transfer. It was literally driven off the lot two days before and that was it. Beautiful. After that was the MILLSITE Mother's Day dinner, I think there's a video of that floating around fb already so I won't worry about it. Like I said one practice and four days notice. But not bad. Then we had a couple lessons. The best one was with D, he is less active and was really straight with us about what he wants and how he's going to get it. It was really good, and really nice. At this point we're still not even sure his gf is a member but he asked us to just go through the lessons with them anyway so it should be really good.
Then Friday... weekly planning as usual. After that we had the performance at the nursing home, sister Homer is the activities director and she put together a very nice little program, she had me sing a couple songs and Elder Baker read a couple poems. Then we got a cake and food so it was of course wonderful. Then Brother Snow, another WML, finally came through and had us over for his famous ribs, they were quite tasty to say the least. Yum. After that more lessons with S and J, although I think just S that time, and then a really good one with W and T. We talked about all they would have to do to help W get baptized, started making some plans and he actually asked to get baptized in the reservoir. So we asked the bishop and the Stake president on Sunday and they said absolutely! So that's gonna be an adventure. We're meeting with them again tonight to get some more details figured out.
Saturday was the kickball tourney in Price... which ended up being less of a tourney and more like two games and every one left... but I got a cool shirt out of it ;P sort of cool anyway... close enough. We went home, showered, and basically headed straight to Emery. Practiced with Bishop Gardner for his ward on Mothers Day, set up Skype at his house, found out his daughter is a professional voice teacher, all sorts of good stuff. Then dinner was with one of his counselors and ended up taking the rest of the evening.
Sunday was the big performance day. First was Ferron creek Ward, and unfortunately the Morris family didn't come. But I performed, played the piano and sang, and helped the Primary with their song then scooted as fast as we could down to Emery to perform the duet with Bishop in their sacrament meeting. Both were really good but I think I made them pretty nervous by being late. Oh well. Then classes, and then we had our skypes home. They were good. O don't really know what happened to the rest of that day... I'm sure good things but I'll be darned if actually remember.
Ok so this week... goodness.. Pday wasn't too exciting a week ago. Just hung out and did kind of whatever I think. Played frisbee. It was good. Then we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders and brought our frozen testicles to cook and eat. We actually ran out of time on exchanges so they deep fried them and brought them today when we went to Moab. That was sweet. I'm gonna go super fast cuz I'm basically out of time... but it was a good week, things happened, the M family is progressing although still no church. I had my first ever voice lesson and learned a crap ton. I'm not very good at archery any more. Dug trenches for a less active mostly nonmember family for hours on
end, ate lots of good food and had adventures. Ok bye. I'll try to recap next week
Have a great day, have a great week, have a great life.
Elder DeFord
So obviously last week was Mother's Day, I guess... oh poo. I need to catch up from the week before huh? Ok... well I'm not gonna go into too much detail then... that's way too much work, serves me right for skipping last week to frisbee but once again... totally worth it ;P
Ok so the Monday before last we went down to Emery to move someone and go to a funeral. Yeah that was fun. Kind of cool too, the move was for a super active mom of a less active and his nonmember wife who then committed to come to church so that was exciting. I might've mentioned some of this a couple weeks ago, it seems really familiar. Anyway we headed to a funeral after that... and sat in the nursery room at the church in the comfy chairs until it was over and time for the luncheon. We helped serve and then cleaned up after, and of course got wonderful food in the process :P it was a good deal. After that we demasticated some bulls, performed brain surgery, changed their minds from "ass to grass", and turned them into steers. We got four huge oysters out of it, it was perfect. We preserved them in salt water and stuck them in the freezer with our other two smaller ones. So that was wonderful... and those were the only really important parts, later who knows what we did. Whatevs.
We spent most of the next day making passes by a couple homes hoping to drop in on another move, a less active part member family was supposed to be moving from one part of Ferron to another and we were hoping to try to catch them. No luck to date, they actually still haven't moved in, just out of their old house where they were renting. We also finally caught that girl that we'd been trying to find for weeks... sort of. We knocked and we could hear he radio blaring so we hoped they were home... and when we knocked it went quiet and footsteps came to the door but it didn't open. Not sure how she could tell who it was... but the footsteps went away again and the radio turned back on, we knocked more and couldn't get any more response at all. So that seemed like a pretty solid no. Although we'll probably try again anyway at some point.
Oh geez... going back this far feels like for ever... I might've mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was asked to do another Mother's Day performance Sunday, for the next Thursday. That brought my total
performances to 5 I think, Mother's Day dinner in MILLSITE Ward, performance at the nursing home, Ferron Creek Ward, and Emery Ward. And something else I don't remember. But anyway we had our one practice for that MILLSITE program. It went well, gonna be interesting. Then we had dinner at one of our ward mission leaders homes... then I hooked his sons on clear Americans, went to a super good lesson with S. and J., came back and played pool while we waited for my laundry to finish (that WML does appliance installation and hooked us up for laundry cuz we didn't get it down last week) and lost track of time and left way late... but still had time to have another great lesson with J. and I. So all in all a good day. Ibdefinitely don't remember being that bad at pool though.
Then we had Zone Conference! Yay... haha really though, it was good,bPresident and Sister Hodgman have decided the mission needs more music so we sang an SATB choir arrangement right then and there. So that was fun. Then we did a lot of training and talking as usual. So that was all good. Then we had President interviews which is always a blast. We talked about W, he's now gonna be a convert, he was baptized but there was never any record of it and nobody has any proof or anything. So yeah... he's the sort of step dad of J who got baptized a couple months ago. We also may be able to go to the Manti pageant next transfer, we're gonna talk about it again after transfers so we know who will be here but my hopes are high. We also finally got our new car. We had had the Malibu for quite some time, it was only supposed to be a temporary replacement and while it was nice, it wasn't really ideal for a mountain rural area like ours. So instead we just got a brand new 2017 Toyota Rav 4 which is super nice as well, even if it doesn't have all the goodies the Malibu had. We're also the first ones to drive it, and the first ones to get the new Rav 4s... they aren't supposed to come out until next transfer. It was literally driven off the lot two days before and that was it. Beautiful. After that was the MILLSITE Mother's Day dinner, I think there's a video of that floating around fb already so I won't worry about it. Like I said one practice and four days notice. But not bad. Then we had a couple lessons. The best one was with D, he is less active and was really straight with us about what he wants and how he's going to get it. It was really good, and really nice. At this point we're still not even sure his gf is a member but he asked us to just go through the lessons with them anyway so it should be really good.
Then Friday... weekly planning as usual. After that we had the performance at the nursing home, sister Homer is the activities director and she put together a very nice little program, she had me sing a couple songs and Elder Baker read a couple poems. Then we got a cake and food so it was of course wonderful. Then Brother Snow, another WML, finally came through and had us over for his famous ribs, they were quite tasty to say the least. Yum. After that more lessons with S and J, although I think just S that time, and then a really good one with W and T. We talked about all they would have to do to help W get baptized, started making some plans and he actually asked to get baptized in the reservoir. So we asked the bishop and the Stake president on Sunday and they said absolutely! So that's gonna be an adventure. We're meeting with them again tonight to get some more details figured out.
Saturday was the kickball tourney in Price... which ended up being less of a tourney and more like two games and every one left... but I got a cool shirt out of it ;P sort of cool anyway... close enough. We went home, showered, and basically headed straight to Emery. Practiced with Bishop Gardner for his ward on Mothers Day, set up Skype at his house, found out his daughter is a professional voice teacher, all sorts of good stuff. Then dinner was with one of his counselors and ended up taking the rest of the evening.
Sunday was the big performance day. First was Ferron creek Ward, and unfortunately the Morris family didn't come. But I performed, played the piano and sang, and helped the Primary with their song then scooted as fast as we could down to Emery to perform the duet with Bishop in their sacrament meeting. Both were really good but I think I made them pretty nervous by being late. Oh well. Then classes, and then we had our skypes home. They were good. O don't really know what happened to the rest of that day... I'm sure good things but I'll be darned if actually remember.
Ok so this week... goodness.. Pday wasn't too exciting a week ago. Just hung out and did kind of whatever I think. Played frisbee. It was good. Then we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders and brought our frozen testicles to cook and eat. We actually ran out of time on exchanges so they deep fried them and brought them today when we went to Moab. That was sweet. I'm gonna go super fast cuz I'm basically out of time... but it was a good week, things happened, the M family is progressing although still no church. I had my first ever voice lesson and learned a crap ton. I'm not very good at archery any more. Dug trenches for a less active mostly nonmember family for hours on
end, ate lots of good food and had adventures. Ok bye. I'll try to recap next week
Have a great day, have a great week, have a great life.
Elder DeFord
So fun to hear this performance Elder! You made so much progress from this performance to the one today. You learn quickly. Best wishes for the rest of your mission.